Peace-Full Pantry |
2500 Kimball Ave, Manhattan, KS 66503 Enter the west church door. Contact: [email protected] Website: https://www.peacemhk.org/pantry Hours:
Grace Baptist Church |
2901 Dickens Ave, Manhattan, KS 66503 Park in the south portion of the parking lot. Their market is located in the building south of the church's main building. There wll be signs that say food pantry to direct you to the right location. Hours:
First United Methodist Church |
621 Humboldt St, Manhattan, KS 66502 This is the same building Shepherd's Crossing is located. Contact: 785-776-8821 Hours:
Seven Dolors |
731 Pierre St, Manhattan, KS 66502 Located at the Seven Dolors Parish Center at 7th and Pierre. Entrance through the alley behind the building. Contact: 785-565-5000 or at [email protected] Website: sevendolors.com/parish-life/outreach Hours:
First Presbyterian Church |
801 Leavenworth St, Manhattan, KS 66502 Located in the Church Narthex. Enter through the south east doors in the alley. Contact: 785-537-0518 Hours:
Temple of Peace |
330 Sunset Ave, Manhattan, KS 66502 Contact: 757-310-4642 Hours:
Community Food Basket Serving Northern Riley |
115 S Broadway St, Riley, KS 66531 Entrance from the alley behind the Riley City Library. Contact: 785-485-2802 Hours:
Contact UsSocial Media |
Location905 Yuma Street, Manhattan, KS 66502